The Best Energy Trades for 2012: Part II

Brian Hicks

Posted December 10, 2011

The Arab oil magnates just admitted Peak Oil exists…

And it has arrived.

“The days of easy oil are over,” says the oil minister of the United Arab Emirates.

“We are forced to go down the road of enhanced oil recovery and using more advanced technology.”

There’s nothing more to debate.

So when Repsol CEO Antonio Brufau says:

“The debate over whether the world’s reserves of hydrocarbons have now peaked and are in decline has lost relevance over recent years as new technology allows oil companies to find and exploit new hydrocarbon sources.”

When oil expert and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Daniel Yergin says:

“This is the fifth time in modern history that we’ve seen widespread fear that the world was running out of oil.”

… you almost want to laugh at their ignorance.

At the core of Yergin’s anti-Peak Oil argument are the doom-and-gloomers who underestimate how much oil can actually be recovered.  

Forget the fact that Yergin has been wrong 100% of the time about Peak Oil…

He wrote a book debunking Peak Oil when he doesn’t even understand what it is — or what it means for future energy security.

Forgive me for beating a dead horse, but the point is of utmost importance:

Peak Oil mean we’re running out of oil.

Peak Oil means we’ve run out of cheap, easy-and-inexpensive-to-extract oil.

It’s happening now. The United States admitted to it. Germany and England joined us.

What about all that oil in the Canadian tar sands… and heavy oil and oil shale in other parts of the world?

It’s expensive to get to and hard to extract.

And this oil is not the same light, sweet crude we’ve been pulling from the ground for the last several decades.

New discoveries will not lower the price of oil.  

This is why we’re forced to look elsewhere to meet our demand for crude… why we’re now tapping the shale that lies under our feet in areas like the Bakken…

But it’s an expensive venture.  

Friends in High Places

Obama is halting progress on the Keystone XL Pipeline for two reasons: to get votes he’ll need, and to hand easy money to his billionaire buddy, Warren Buffett.

You see, as oil production explodes in the Bakken, we can’t use the pipeline to transport it — and bring more fuel online. As a result, Bakken oil producers have no choice but to rely even more on Buffett’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad.

How convenient.

And Buffett won’t be the only beneficiary…

Enbridge Energy Partners (NYSE: EEP) will spend up to $145 million to expand an oil transport facility in the area. It’ll add a rail car loading area and increase holding capacities by 80,000 barrels a day.

That makes Enbridge a buy here.

More ideas on how to take advantage of the energy renaissance happening in the United States below.

Happy Holidays,

Ian Cooper Signature

Ian L. Cooper
Analyst, Wealth Daily 

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